Here is resource object that can be used in the meantime: "MermaidInk".For some reason(s) has not been published yet - I will follow up on the status.In this example, the notebook saved to PDF contains a plot and a 10 × 10 matrix of random integers. (Much more lightweight than "MermaidJS".) With the notebook you wish to export to PDF set as the active window, select File Save As, give the file a name, select PDF as the file type, and then click Save. There is resource function submission "MermaidInk" that uses the online interface. The Mermaid diagram spec (in the notebook) can be pasted in - that will produce the corresponding image(s). ResourceFunction uses Command Line Interface of Mermaid-JS (that has to be installed on the hosting OS.) Because of this I consider making a paclet for MermaidJS. I will have to experiment with it on iPadOS. I can generate images with that cell on macOS. I have seen this "behavior" for some of my other "mode" notebook styles (on iPadOS.) I will respond to your observations list in the same order: Finance, Statistics & Business Analysis.This question is rather multidimensional in view of multifunctionality of both packages.

In this connection there is quite natural question about preferability of either of these systems.

Wolfram Knowledgebase Curated computable knowledge powering Wolfram|Alpha. Packages Maple and Mathematica are indisputable leaders among modern systems of computer mathematics. Before using any of our labs, open this notebook and. In order for you to use these commands, you'll have to download the math2374.nb file. This allows students to create three-dimensional graphics which students can rotate and scale using the mouse. Wolfram Universal Deployment System Instant deployment across cloud, desktop, mobile, and more. I've incorporated LiveGraphics3D into Mathematica for use in our labs. Wolfram Data Framework Semantic framework for real-world data.